Metal Gods TV - 200mph Review

Metal Gods TV - 200mph Review

30 Aug 2015  Frenzy Fires Mathew Collins reviews the 200mph EP for Metal Gods TV "heavy rock with a strong hint of blues that has so many memorable hooks and grooves, this E.P. will re remembered for a long time to come." Click here for full review...... more>

The Pit - 200mph Review

The Pit - 200mph Review

21 Aug 2015  Jörg Müller says "Welcome back Vardis with a very nice addition. Too short,fans must console themselves with the "200 MPH" EP and wait for the 2016 album."Click here for full review...... more>

Kerrang 12 Reasons James Hetfield Rocks

12 Aug 2015  Click and checkout #4... more> - 200mph EP Review - 200mph EP Review

9 Aug 2015  Jürgen Tschamler reviews the 200mph EP "new recordings still rock like hell" Click here for full review...... more>

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