Vardis Planet Rockstock Review by Lindsay Smith Metal Planet Music

Vardis Planet Rockstock Review by Lindsay Smith Metal Planet Music

4 Dec 2022  "It goes without saying that the band are very much at home on a stage with Steve Zodiacs vocals as strong as ever and the sound from the three piece so cohesive and professional it is a lesson in experience and timeless music" See the full review here at more>

Metal-Temple Vardis-100mph@100club Album review by Metal Mark Garcia

Metal-Temple Vardis-100mph@100club Album review by Metal Mark Garcia

4 Mar 2022  "It’s great to hear that VARDIS still has such energy on a live show, so listen to “100 M.P.H. @ 100 Club” and enjoy 9/10." Click here for full review!... more>

Vardis confirm Saturday 3rd December live appearance at Planetrockstock

Vardis confirm Saturday 3rd December live appearance at Planetrockstock

22 Feb 2022  For more information click here: - Planet-rockstock-2022... more>

Vardis reschede March live dates to November 2022

Vardis reschede March live dates to November 2022

1 Feb 2022  Sorry to announce the rescheduling of Vardis' March live dates to November '22. The postponement of Hard Rock Hell Spring Break threw out our logistics and travel arrangements and was communicated to us just last week, so we took the only alternative to letting folk down with cancellations. We understand the concerns people still have regarding... more>

Metalheads Forever YouTube interview with Steve Zodiac - Vardis by Keith Clement

Metalheads Forever YouTube interview with Steve Zodiac - Vardis by Keith Clement

24 Jan 2022  "It creates this loop between the amplifier, the guitar and the person, you have like a triangle, and this is what Hendrix seemed to invent" Click here for full interview... more>

Frontman Steve Zodiac Discusses - Vardis with Diamond Oz

Frontman Steve Zodiac Discusses - Vardis with Diamond Oz

24 Jan 2022  it's the live setting where Vardis has always thrived and so late last year, the band unleashed, "100MPH @ 100 Club," a testament to both the legacy of their music and the drive which still makes them a top live act. Click here for full interview.... more>

The Midlands Rocks - Steve Zodiac - Vardis interview

The Midlands Rocks - Steve Zodiac - Vardis interview

18 Jan 2022  "I felt I had done twelve rounds with Mike Tyson!" Read full interview Click here... more> - Vardis-100mph@100club - Recensione a cura di Fabrizio Dr. Stonerman Bertogliatti - Vardis-100mph@100club - Recensione a cura di Fabrizio Dr. Stonerman Bertogliatti

15 Jan 2022  "questo è un disco da mandare giù tutto d'un fiato come una corsa sull'ottovolante. Vero che parliamo della reinterpretazione di vecchi brani, ma i Vardis svolgono il proprio compito con la belligeranza e la convinzione dei bei tempi e questo è un grande merito. Consigliato a tutti gli amanti del rock e del metal prima... more> - Vardis-100mph@100club album review by Peter Dennis - Vardis-100mph@100club album review by Peter Dennis

2 Jan 2022  "Vardis unleash rock banger after rock banger. Imagine Status Quo on amphetamine and you’ll have something approaching the terminal velocity of ‘Situation Negative (Boogie Blitz)’ and ballsy rock n’ roll doesn’t get much better (or brasher) than this" Click here for full review!... more>

Sweden Rock Magazine Review - Vardis 100mph@100club review by Neven Trosic

Sweden Rock Magazine Review - Vardis 100mph@100club review by Neven Trosic

1 Jan 2022  "Kanslan av att detta ar det Vardis-slapp jag trolien framst lar aterkomma till framover ar engöd köpmotivation". Click Image >>>... more>

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